Foxy in Roxanne's Community

Start typing already!

I may not have really have a dad, but I call Foxy daddy enough so, happy Father's Day I guess

Sorry I'm not on as much anymore, I've just been doing stuff a lot

Nope, I have a husband. It's Foxy (@FoxythePirateFoxREALiloggedout ) and it's doing great it's almost our 6 month anniversary!

Fixed, if I'm incapable of anything, I wont be able to do anything with Foxy. And besides either way, I'll still be Foxy's superstar!

I haven't made a post in 5 months, don't worry I be ok

Some of my friends call me foxy

hi fox

foxy qoxy woxy eoxy roxy toxy yoxy uoxy ioxy oxy poxy aoxy soxy doxy goxy hoxy joxy koxy loxy zoxy xoxy coxy voxy boxy (boo) noxy moxy

wow i forgot Foxy existed due to me never playing the games with foxy in it